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Bee-Bot® Programmable Floor Robot

Bee-bot offers the convenience of playing a default sound with each button press. This feature ensures a seamless experience for students, making it easy to engage without the need for additional setup.

Blue-Bot® Bluetooth Programmable Floor Robot

Blue-Bot® goes social! It detects and greets fellow Bee-Bot® or Blue-Bot® companions. Students can choose default sounds or record personalized audio for button presses, fostering engagement. This inclusive feature ensures accessibility for all, including students with auditory or visual processing needs.

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Bee-Bot® & Blue-Bot® Programmable Floor Robots


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Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® Programmable Floor Robots – Enhancing Interactive Learning

Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® are innovative programmable floor robots designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of control, directional language, and programming. These engaging educational tools offer a range of features to make learning both fun and interactive.

Bee-Bot® Programmable Floor Robot

Bee-Bot® Overview:

  • Dimensions: Height 7cm, Length 13cm, Width 10cm
  • Brand: TTS

Bee-Bot® Features:

  • Ideal for teaching control, directional language, and programming to KS1 students.
  • Memory capacity of 200 steps for programming sequences.
  • Social Interaction: Bee-Bot® can detect and greet other Bee-Bots® or Blue-Bots®, fostering a sense of community.
  • Audio Customization: Students can play default sounds or record their own, promoting personalization.
  • Accessibility: Audio playback upon following commands, aiding students with auditory or visual processing needs.
  • Versatility: Compatible with a variety of cross-curricular mats and activity tins, providing a diverse learning experience.
  • USB Rechargeable: Comes with a USB lead for convenient recharging via computer or USB mains adapter (not supplied).
  • Bee-Bot® App: Enhances directional language and programming skills through an interactive app.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Accuracy: Bee-Bot® movements are designed to be accurate, with forward/backward movement at 150mm ±8mm and left/right turn of 90 degrees ±4%.
  2. Recharge: Bee-Bot® can be recharged approximately 500 times.

Blue-Bot® Bluetooth Programmable Floor Robot

Blue-Bot® Overview:

  • Brand: TTS

Blue-Bot® Features:

  • Bluetooth Functionality: Allows wireless control with tablets or PCs, expanding programming possibilities.
  • Social Interaction: Detects and greets other Bee-Bots® or Blue-Bots®, promoting collaborative learning.
  • Audio Customization: Offers default sounds or the option for students to record their own audio.
  • Accessibility: Students can record audio for playback with each button press, ensuring inclusivity for various learning needs.
  • Transparent Shell: Provides visibility into the internal components, enhancing the educational experience.
  • Rechargeable: Eliminates the need for battery replacement, making it cost-effective.
  • Connectivity: Connects to tablets, PCs, and Macs, enabling advanced programming through the free iOS/Android app or desktop software.
  • Blue-Bot® TacTile Code Reader: Introduces another engaging way to program Blue-Bot®.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Connectivity: Blue-Bot® connects wirelessly to tablets and requires iPad 3 onwards for compatibility.
  2. Accuracy: Similar to Bee-Bot®, Blue-Bot® movements are designed with precision.
  3. GDPR Compliance: The Blue-Bot® app does not gather personal data, ensuring user privacy.

Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® redefine educational robotics, providing a dynamic and interactive platform for teaching programming concepts. These robots not only offer technical specifications but also promote social interaction, customization, and inclusivity in the learning process. With their user-friendly features and adaptability, Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® stand as must-have resources in any KS1 classroom, fostering a love for learning through technology.